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Buteyko Breathing Exercise

Improve Your Health with the Buteyko Breathing Method

home_ss4Breathing is something most of us take for granted. It is an involuntary action all of us have been doing long before we can even remember, and there is no right or wrong way to breathe, right? Well, not exactly. We can train our body to do it the right way through breathing exercises.

Why normal breathing is important?

Some of the more recent medical studies have shown that an overwhelming number of illnesses have their roots in excessive breathing, or hyperventilation. The modern day lifestyle has significantly altered the way human kind breathes. The dramatic environmental changes and a sedentary, inactive lifestyle have caused our breathing to gradually become deeper, which is not nearly as benign as it may seem. Deep breathing leads to lesser amount of oxygen taken. Your organs and tissue aren’t receiving enough oxygen to function properly, which leads to a variety of diseases. Just take a look at any person with a medical issue, and you will see a hyper ventilator.

As we said, breathing is an involuntary action, but we can voluntarily change the way we breathe through breathing exercises. Since breathing regulates all the biochemical processes in our body, returning your breathing to normal will also normalize said processes and have your body working properly. Thus, breathing normalization removes the initial cause of illness, not only symptoms.

Buteyko breathing method is designed to address a wide variety of medical issues. Named after globally renowned Russian doctor Konstantin Buteyko who designed the program, it has rapidly spread across the globe, steadily growing in popularity and the number of practitioners.

Who we address

Since breathing is an activity common to all of the mankind, Buteyko breathing method is aimed at anyone over the age of four. It is a safe, natural, drug free technique that has shown to help with and even completely eliminate a wide variety of medical conditions.

Health problems

150 illnesses are treated by Buteyko Method. Here are the most common illnesses: asthma, allergy, hypertension, anxiety, panic attack, snoring, insomnia, depression, headaches, stress, irritability and quick mental fatigue and many more. Keep in mind that these is not the full list, but only some of the issues the Buteyko breathing exercises effectively deal with.

Benefits of breathing normalization by Buteyko Method

There are no downsides to starting with the Buteyko breathing exercises. It is perfectly safe, natural and hugely beneficial. Steady and disciplined practice of the method will result in

– increased oxygen flow to your body cells and tissue

– increased cellular waste removal

– enhanced immune system

– normalized metabolism

– sedative effect on nervous system.

Buteyko method is a breath reconditioning program that teaches you how to normalize your breathing and supply your body with enough oxygen to insure its proper functioning. This should have a dramatic influence on your overall wellbeing.

Future Healing Breathing Normalization Course

This program is designed to introduce you to the basic concepts of the Buteyko method. Over the course of ten 1-hour breathing training sessions your breathing patterns will be assessed with the Biofeedback CapnoTrainer, and you will be introduced to the theoretical and practical principles of the Buteyko method. Throughout the course you will become aware of your breathing patterns and you will learn how to get your breathing under control, thus conquering all your medical problems. This course as well as a consultation are held by Advanced Buteyko Method Practitioner-Auditor Genady Gorohovsky, B.Sc., R.Ac., the assistant of professor Buteyko.

Get your breathing under control to do with all your medical issues and improve your quality of life! We are here to help you…


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